What are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
What are DAOs? How have DAOs evolved over time and will they be the organizations of the future. The Canadian Blockchain Consortium is excited to host a panel discussing the types, applications, and legal aspects of DAOs.
Graeme Fox (Co-Founder & CEO @ Societal, CBC Web3 Committee Member)
Guest Speakers & Bio:
Charles St. Louis (Former Head of Governance at Maker)
Justice Conder (DAO EcoDev at Polygon Labs, Former BanklessDAO)
Shannon Lanigan
This session looks at DAO use-cases like:
- Decentralized Governance based DAOs
- Protocol DAOs
- Service DAOs
- Social DAOs
- Media DAOs
- Fundraising DAOs
- Investment DAOs
- Grant DAOs
- Collector DAOs